4 WEEKS!! Thats how long we had Chicken pox. Three weeks out from the school holidays Bethany came home with chicken pox. She was sooo sick, the poor thing. They were in her hair and her ears and even her throat. She was off school for three weeks with them and even missed the last dancing Eisteddfod for the year. This was then backed up with 2 weeks holidays, so in total she was off school for 5 weeks!
At Bethanys two week stage Emma got them. She just scratched her way through them. There was no piont in telling her not to scratch, she just poked out her tounge and kept on going. SHe was not as sick as Bethany was but , boy she was
covered in them. I thought Bethany had heaps, but Emma beat her by a mile.
We are over them now, only a few scars to show for our 4 weeks of quarentine!