Monday, May 29, 2006

When I grow up........Blog Challenge

Every little girl dreams of being a princess, or a ballerina. When you were growing up what did you want to be?? How far is this from what you are doing now??

When I was growing up I always wanted to be a teacher. I know, its a far cry from a princess but I thought it would be great. I think it was the thought of being in charge and telling people what to do! (LOL, that is so me!) I came close, though.

I did my Associate Diploma in Child Studies after leaving high school and worked in Pre-schools for about 7 years. I then decided that I needed a break from the little darlings (!!!) . I went to work for a friend, in an office, doing invoicing and reception work and have moved onto payroll.

6 years on, I am still having my break from working in Pre-schools, although I now have to kids of my own, so I am not quite sure how much of a break it has been!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


So much for my challenge to myself! I'm not very good at these things, my New Years resolutions usually go out the window in the first 24hrs! I promise I will try and keep this going. One of favourite websites,, has started up a daily blog challenge.

And I accept! (Although I can't promise it will be daily, but I am trying! LOL)