I thought I would add this picture cause it is so darn cute. I love these ones and I still haven't yet managed to have them framed and we have had them almost a year! I will add that to my to do list.
Today was the first day of mid year school holidays. Bethany is so excited that she has three weeks off. She and Allan stayed home today and played lots of board games, as it is very windy out. Although they did go out for a little while to play with a skipping rope. They sound like they had a great day while I was at work.
Tomorrow, Bethany has Dress rehearsal for her Tap dancing Exam. I am going to work a little late so I can do her make up and hair. I just can't see Allan managing that one, can you? LOL. I will get him to take some photos of her and I will post them so you guys can see. She is doing extremely well and is becoming a great little dancer.
Emma has decided that she doesn't ant to go to bed when we tell her. So, consequently there is a struggle at bed time, with much crying and tantrums. She does this about every six months for a few nights and then settles back into her routine. I think it's her way of testing the boundaries. Boy, she still has no idea about how tough I am, does she? I always win! Cause I'm the mummy, that's why. She has not yet turned two yet I think she is trying on the "terrible two's" for size already!
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