Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Blog Challenge June 6th

Today our blog challenge is to remember and share! Where were you when you found out about 9/11? What were you doing? Who were you with? What was your first reaction?

I had fallen asleep in bed, with the TV on and I woke about 2am to the footage of a plane crashing into a building. There was no commentary along with the footage, just this image they played over for about 3 mins. I sat there, glued to what I was seeing, waiting for them to say something. Then they started talking about what had happened and I started to wonder if maybe I was still asleep. You know, I sat there until the alarm went off at 6am and I remember not realising that I had been watching for so long.

After that, came the thoughts about all the people who were in the buildings and their families. It was a real reality check. Every piece of information that we heard from then on, was worse than the one before. You just can't predict what is going to happen.
Even being on the other side of the world, what happened touched us too.

I think that when Alan Jackson wrote "Where were you when the world stopped turning?" he "hit the nail on the head". No matter where you were when it happened, at some stage, we all stopped to watch, reflect and mourn. Not only for those whom were lost, but also for what our world had become and how our lives would change.

Thanks, Erica, for today's challenge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Even those of use MILES away were so profoundly touched by the tragedy. It's one of those hisorical events that changes the way we see everything. It makes us hold on tightly to our humanity.