Tuesday, October 24, 2006

So Grown Up

I love these photos of Bethany, she just looks so grown up. This was her first day back at dancing after having the Chicken pox and she was still self-concios about her spots. So, I curled her hair for her, which she wore in a high pony tail. She thought it was wonderful and I thought she looked gorgeous.
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Chicken Pox comes to visit!!

4 WEEKS!! Thats how long we had Chicken pox. Three weeks out from the school holidays Bethany came home with chicken pox. She was sooo sick, the poor thing. They were in her hair and her ears and even her throat. She was off school for three weeks with them and even missed the last dancing Eisteddfod for the year. This was then backed up with 2 weeks holidays, so in total she was off school for 5 weeks!

At Bethanys two week stage Emma got them. She just scratched her way through them. There was no piont in telling her not to scratch, she just poked out her tounge and kept on going. SHe was not as sick as Bethany was but , boy she was covered in them. I thought Bethany had heaps, but Emma beat her by a mile.

We are over them now, only a few scars to show for our 4 weeks of quarentine! Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 25, 2006

Our newest Dancing Queen!

This was taken the day Emma had her first dancing class. She love to go to "Barlay" (ballet) as she calls it, and will take any oportunity to put on her dancing clothes. What a sweety! Posted by Picasa

Just a few photos

I have been so slack with posting on this blog that we are just about up to the next school holidays! So here are some photos of the girls and I will post some info over the next few days.

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Monday, July 03, 2006

School Holidays

I thought I would add this picture cause it is so darn cute. I love these ones and I still haven't yet managed to have them framed and we have had them almost a year! I will add that to my to do list.

Today was the first day of mid year school holidays. Bethany is so excited that she has three weeks off. She and Allan stayed home today and played lots of board games, as it is very windy out. Although they did go out for a little while to play with a skipping rope. They sound like they had a great day while I was at work.

Tomorrow, Bethany has Dress rehearsal for her Tap dancing Exam. I am going to work a little late so I can do her make up and hair. I just can't see Allan managing that one, can you? LOL. I will get him to take some photos of her and I will post them so you guys can see. She is doing extremely well and is becoming a great little dancer.

Emma has decided that she doesn't ant to go to bed when we tell her. So, consequently there is a struggle at bed time, with much crying and tantrums. She does this about every six months for a few nights and then settles back into her routine. I think it's her way of testing the boundaries. Boy, she still has no idea about how tough I am, does she? I always win! Cause I'm the mummy, that's why. She has not yet turned two yet I think she is trying on the "terrible two's" for size already!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Addition to previous post.

I didn't mention all the names my Nan picked for us. She started with flowers and then moved on to other things. I am Bluebell, my sister is Buttercup, then we had cousin Ali, who is Rosebud. Nan then moved on with Bright Eyes and Snowy and My girls are Possum and Sunshine (htis is Emma and I swear she should have been called Thundercloud!)LOL. I think it is great and creates a special bond between us and Nan. The kids all know the names of the others aswell and the love it.

Blog Challenge June 28th

I have been soooooo naughty and not posted in ages. I am so bad at keeping these things up. Needless to say that I wasn't one of those kids who kept a diary!

today's blog challenge is:
What what your nickname as a child? Who gave it to you? Does it still stick??

My nickname was Lulu or my mum used to call me "Lipsi Lou". I don't actually know why or how the second one came about but when I see her tonight I will ask her. But Lulu has stuck with me all through my life. A lot of the little kids in our family, cousins children and the like, all call me Lulu. It's easy for the little ones to say. Even a few of Bethanys school friends have picked up on it, which is really cute, cause I certainly don't want them to call me "Mrs Kenny"! LOL.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Birdie Beach Nov 2005

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Blog Challenge June 6th

Today our blog challenge is to remember and share! Where were you when you found out about 9/11? What were you doing? Who were you with? What was your first reaction?

I had fallen asleep in bed, with the TV on and I woke about 2am to the footage of a plane crashing into a building. There was no commentary along with the footage, just this image they played over for about 3 mins. I sat there, glued to what I was seeing, waiting for them to say something. Then they started talking about what had happened and I started to wonder if maybe I was still asleep. You know, I sat there until the alarm went off at 6am and I remember not realising that I had been watching for so long.

After that, came the thoughts about all the people who were in the buildings and their families. It was a real reality check. Every piece of information that we heard from then on, was worse than the one before. You just can't predict what is going to happen.
Even being on the other side of the world, what happened touched us too.

I think that when Alan Jackson wrote "Where were you when the world stopped turning?" he "hit the nail on the head". No matter where you were when it happened, at some stage, we all stopped to watch, reflect and mourn. Not only for those whom were lost, but also for what our world had become and how our lives would change.

Thanks, Erica, for today's challenge.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bethany's Performance

On Saturday, Bethanys' dancing troupe performed their new Tap dance at the Blacktown festival. I didn't get any photos (bad me!) but we do have video. Not sure if I can post it but give me a few days and I may work it out.
Anyway, they looked so cute and she did a great job. We were all so proud of the kids as it was freezing cold! I spent the whole dance crouched down in front of the stage grinning like a cheshire cat, trying to remind the kids to SMILE!

Blog Challenge June 4

HOBBIES HOBBIES HOBBIES!! What are your hobbies? What things do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? What keeps you busy??

I love to read. The train ride to and from work is an hour plus each day, so that is a great time to read. I really like crime novels, like Patricia Cornwell stuff, also anything law or forensics related. At the moment I am reading Jodi Picoult books.

I really like to cook, when I get the time. I love making cakes and muffins and enjoy it even more now that my girls want to help. I love to make big pots of soup in the winter, chicken and veg, curried lentil and also pumpkin. (mmm, now I'm hungry).

And of course, then there is my Scrapbooking. It's more of a passion that a hobby. I don't get enough time to do as much as I would like, but still when I do, I love it. I am a bit busier with it at the moment being one of the Gust Designers at my local scrapbook shop (yay 4 me!). Also, I enjoy the fact that it is something that my mum and I do together. We spend time scraping, gas-bagging and drinking copious amounts of tea and coffee. LOL. But the most important thing is that we do it together. It's our time.

June 3rds's Totally Useless Blog Challenge

Todays challenge is to share some TOTALLY USELESS trivia that you have puttering around in your mind. Do you specialize in movie trivia, star trivia, science facts, photography trivia?? Whtever your spice of trivia , share it with us...

Do you know what?? I don't think I know any useless trivia. I feel all left out now! There"s probably something puttering around in the back of my brain but I can' seem to find it if there is. Give me a week and I am going to hunt some down. You'll see!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Blog Challenge June 1st

Do you cook? What are you known for..your great recipes or your inability to boil even water? Where did you learn to cook, or if you didn't why not?? What are your favorite things to cook , or even your favorite things not to cook???

I love to cook. I own quite a few recipe books and enjoy the challenge of a new recipe. Although sometimes, I just have to adapt them(probably because I think I can make it better) and it usually works. I've not had many disasters in the kitchen.
I am known for my Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, Lamb Filo Wrap and also my Egg pies. The Egg pies came about because I used to make Mini Quiches, but Bethany used to complain that she didn't like the "paper" (pastry) on the outside. LOL. So I removed the pastry and cooked them in mini muffin pans. And, Viola, we changed their name to Egg pies!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Just had to share

Yesterday, while I was at work, I got a text message from Mum saying that Emma did a poop in her potty! Now, I know you are all wondering why I would feel the need to tell you this, but we have only been doing the potty training thing for about a week now and I am quite proud of her.

LOL! Who would have thought the highlight of my day would have been Emma pooping in the potty!!!!!

May 31st Blogger challenge

What about you do people remember after having met you??? What do people comment on when they meet you for the first time? Is it your laughter, you great hair, your bright plaid pants???

Usually its the fact that I smile, a lot. I'm a pretty easy going person (or so I like to think!) and I have had a few people ask "Are you always this happy?" When I was in Primary school there were a few teachers who called me Smiley.

Monday, May 29, 2006

When I grow up........Blog Challenge

Every little girl dreams of being a princess, or a ballerina. When you were growing up what did you want to be?? How far is this from what you are doing now??

When I was growing up I always wanted to be a teacher. I know, its a far cry from a princess but I thought it would be great. I think it was the thought of being in charge and telling people what to do! (LOL, that is so me!) I came close, though.

I did my Associate Diploma in Child Studies after leaving high school and worked in Pre-schools for about 7 years. I then decided that I needed a break from the little darlings (!!!) . I went to work for a friend, in an office, doing invoicing and reception work and have moved onto payroll.

6 years on, I am still having my break from working in Pre-schools, although I now have to kids of my own, so I am not quite sure how much of a break it has been!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


So much for my challenge to myself! I'm not very good at these things, my New Years resolutions usually go out the window in the first 24hrs! I promise I will try and keep this going. One of favourite websites, http://www.justforkeeps.com, has started up a daily blog challenge.

And I accept! (Although I can't promise it will be daily, but I am trying! LOL)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

The first of many (I hope!)

Well, here it is, my first post.

I have been reading others Blogs for a little while now and thought it would be a great idea to have my own. Why, you ask? Mainly to keep our families up to date with what's going on in our little world and happenings with the kids. Especially for those in our family who we don't get to see often and those who live interstate (yes KT and Wazza, you too).

So if you will please be patient with me, as I learn all the ins and outs of how to drive this thing, I have promised myself that I will post regularly.

This is my challenge to myself.